About MusicPyre

Are You Ready to Explore a Brand New Musical World?

Hundreds of artists compose new music every day, waiting to be discovered by agents and people who like and appreciate their work. But when an artist is out of the top charts, the reach they have is limited. At least, until now!

MusicPyre is a music platform created by a passionate team of people working to make lesser-known musicians heard even if their music doesn't have the marketing budget of the major labels, while allowing the audience to listen to numerous new songs and sounds.

Enhance Your Daily Playlist With Some Great Music Options

With so many tracks released every single day, finding good quality music seems like a real challenge. MusicPyre is here to do all the work for you, making it super easy to discover and listen to the music you like. The platform's team finds and rates new songs by up-and-coming artists, uploading music reviews every Monday through Friday, so you can skip the fluff and enjoy only the best of what every creator offers.

Bringing Musicians and Listeners to the Same Place

Synonymous with exceptional and original music, MusicPyre has created a platform that seeks to support the music culture, giving new artists the chance to connect with their audience and cultivate long-lasting relationships. This ever-evolving platform welcomes all kinds of genres, so listeners can pick whatever they like. Inspired by a great love for music, the team's ultimate goal is to help both sides, the creators and the audience, enjoy unique musical experiences.

Keeping the Beat Up

MusicPyre was founded on the belief that the talent and skill of a music artist should be more important than how much money they have to market. We try to bring artists who have been under the radar in front of people's eyes, spreading the knowledge about more musical alternatives. Whether you are an artist and wish to show your music to the world, or you have been tired of listening to the same songs on repeat and need a change, MusicPyre is the perfect destination for you. Join this constantly growing community, express yourself, and tap into new musical moments that will make your days and nights much more enjoyable!

Meet The Team

Anjan P.

Song & Data Curator

Adriel L.


Jaclyn B.


V Kid

Music Audit